Grants are awarded to a wide range of projects for community betterment, including but not limited to, support for local causes in the areas of education, health, the arts, youth development, recreation, city beautification, and more!
The over-arching goal of the Foundation is to help Jamestown become a strong, vibrant community and a source of pride for all its citizens.
Some examples of the projects and organizations that the Jamestown Community Foundation
has supported in recent years:
The over-arching goal of the Foundation is to help Jamestown become a strong, vibrant community and a source of pride for all its citizens.
Some examples of the projects and organizations that the Jamestown Community Foundation
has supported in recent years:
The Arts Center - Arts After School and the Art Park projects
1883 Stutsman County Courthouse Restoration Project
City of Jamestown/City Beautification Tree Replanting projects
Daily Bread Program – expansion project
Ft. Seward Flags Across America
Ft. Seward Wagon Train equipment
Heritage Center – assistance with purchase of automatic door openers
James River Humane Society building projects
James River Community Center - Senior Citizens
James River Transit System
James Valley Educational Nurses Aid Skills Program
Jamestown Parks & Recreation Foundation –Fast pitch softball field, Sensory Garden Development
Jamestown Public School/Rotary Soccer Field improvements
Jamestown Regional Medical Center – for purchase of patient lifts
Jamestown Bus Stop remodeling
Main Street Hanging Flower Basket Program
SAFE Shelter new facility project
Salvation Army of Jamestown Food Pantry
Stutsman County Memorial Museum
Stutsman County/Vets Club elevator repairs
VISTA Volunteers project for repairs at Ft. Seward and the Frontier Village
Zonta Park Cupola Restoration Project
A Moment of Freedom - horse therapy for those with special needs
City Beautification Committee for sensory garden
Jamestown Grief Support Team
Bio Girls Program - after school program for building self-esteem and confidence in adolescent girls
Jamestown Snack Fund - providing healthy snacks for elementary school students who cannot afford their own
Community Bike Fleet / Bike Lend Program
Downtown Arts Market
1883 Stutsman County Courthouse Restoration Project
City of Jamestown/City Beautification Tree Replanting projects
Daily Bread Program – expansion project
Ft. Seward Flags Across America
Ft. Seward Wagon Train equipment
Heritage Center – assistance with purchase of automatic door openers
James River Humane Society building projects
James River Community Center - Senior Citizens
James River Transit System
James Valley Educational Nurses Aid Skills Program
Jamestown Parks & Recreation Foundation –Fast pitch softball field, Sensory Garden Development
Jamestown Public School/Rotary Soccer Field improvements
Jamestown Regional Medical Center – for purchase of patient lifts
Jamestown Bus Stop remodeling
Main Street Hanging Flower Basket Program
SAFE Shelter new facility project
Salvation Army of Jamestown Food Pantry
Stutsman County Memorial Museum
Stutsman County/Vets Club elevator repairs
VISTA Volunteers project for repairs at Ft. Seward and the Frontier Village
Zonta Park Cupola Restoration Project
A Moment of Freedom - horse therapy for those with special needs
City Beautification Committee for sensory garden
Jamestown Grief Support Team
Bio Girls Program - after school program for building self-esteem and confidence in adolescent girls
Jamestown Snack Fund - providing healthy snacks for elementary school students who cannot afford their own
Community Bike Fleet / Bike Lend Program
Downtown Arts Market