The Jamestown Community Foundation is designated by the IRS as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)3 of the IRS code. Funds are established by donors in a variety of formats . This variety provides flexibility for the Foundation's distribution of funds as needs change in the community.
The Foundation encourages small organizations to solicit their funds through the Jamestown Community Foundation, rather than creating their own foundation or working toward their own 501(C)3 status. This helps the community develop a unified vision, maximizes effectiveness through combined resources, and allows organizations to dedicate their resources and volunteer hours to their specific case.
A local Board of Directors manages the Foundation. It is made up of fifteen(15) members and four of which include the officers of Jamestown Chamber of Commerce.
List of Current Board Members
The Foundation encourages small organizations to solicit their funds through the Jamestown Community Foundation, rather than creating their own foundation or working toward their own 501(C)3 status. This helps the community develop a unified vision, maximizes effectiveness through combined resources, and allows organizations to dedicate their resources and volunteer hours to their specific case.
A local Board of Directors manages the Foundation. It is made up of fifteen(15) members and four of which include the officers of Jamestown Chamber of Commerce.
List of Current Board Members